Fastest autonomous laptimes!

At our recent event at Thunderhill, a number of teams made valiant attempts to get around the track. This time, three teams succeeded - and were much faster than last year's times!

First up is's 2:06 lap. We knew they would be quick, with team heritage from both Audi's autonomous racecar technology as well as RoboRace. Their technology is more about the future of traction control and ride safety at high performance.

Just behind is's lap at 2:07. Their platform is more computer vision-centric and also turns in a great lap. Also of interest is how their platform's data visualization is integrated into the viewer. You can view the lap here.

Finally, AutonomouStuff also turned in a 3:41. AutonomouStuff focuses on the hardware side of things so that the software folks can quickly get going, so this is a very impressive result!